Martes, Oktubre 14, 2014


      Much like field studies in teacher education, Educational Technology 2 offers students the experimental process of adapting to technology integration within a student-centered paradigm. This is the practicum phase of the course which can be done, as seen fit by the teacher, either at the end of the more theoretical lessons or inserted between lessons.


      Much like field studies in teacher education, Educational Technology 2 offers students the experimental process of adapting to technology integration within a student-centered paradigm. This is the practicum phase of the course which can be done, as seen fit by the teacher, either at the end of the more theoretical lessons or inserted between lessons.


      And today schools are gearing up to take advantage of internet access, where they can plug into the Library of Congress, make virtual visits to famous museums in the world, write to celebrities, and even send questions to heads of states.


      The presentation of information-learning activities in hypermedia is said to be sequenced in a non-linear manner, meaning that the learner may follow his path of activities thus providing an environment of learner autonomy and thinking skills.

1.      Hypermedia provides autonomous learning. How is this better than the traditional classroom learning, which often fails to consider the case of slow and poor individual learners?
Ø  Hypermedia is better than the traditional classroom learning if the teacher know this hypermedia and how to use it in the proper way and why we need to understand this hypermedia as a learning and teaching tools, so that the learner also develop their ability in creating hypermedia.
2.      How can the teacher help slow and poor learners using the traditional teaching methods?
Ø  Teacher should also create there instructional material for more clarification in the discussion and they should have objective before they start the class discussion so that they will know if they reach their goal using the traditional teaching methods.
3.      Hypermedia provides an atmosphere of search, exploration and discovery. How can the teacher provide such an environment in the traditional classroom?

Ø  First, the teacher should know how to explore with themselves so that they will develop their self-confidence to teach the learner about this hypermedia and let your student explore and search about the activity you gave to them in the traditional classroom.


      Instructional software can be visited on the Internet or can be bought from software shops or dealers. The teacher through his school should decide on the best computer-based instructional (CBI) materials for the school resource collection.


       In cooperative learning with the computer, researchers agreed that the computer is the fairy natural learning vehicle for cooperative (at times called promoter) learning.

1.      Discuss the difference between peer competition and positive interdependence in a group. Simply said, aren’t there debates in group work?
Ø  Actually there are debates in a group work because we all know that in a group it compose of different person with different identity in which they have different idea in a certain topics. And competition occurs in a group, debate occurs but if there is cooperation there will be a good outcome.
2.      What can be done in case some members of a group do not show positive interpersonal and communication skills? Can the teacher help in this situation?
Ø  Yes, the teacher can help. She will let the students who are not participating well to create their own in which they can express their self freely.
3.      Do skills in listening, negotiating, compromising, punctuality, tolerance (giving others a chance to speak) part of the social skills needed in group work?
Ø  Yes.
4.      How can group members ensure that each member of the group is also accountable for the group work, and not totally dependent on others? In practical terms, how can the teacher grade individual students fairly in a group activity for one single output?
Ø  In a group, each of them should share their idea in different matters so that they will have a good outcome in their group and the teacher will give them similar grades from their outputs.
5.      While cooperative learning is a very good avenue for teachers to help students learn effectively, why is it not to be adopted in all classrooms learning situation?

Ø  It is because in every classroom they have different situation and standards and sometimes not all of the student want a cooperative activity because they prefer to be independent and compete with others.


      Desiring to gain effectiveness, efficiency and economy in administration and instruction, schools in these developed economies have also adopted the support of ICTs. Their students have now become active not passive learners, who can interact with other learners, demonstrating independence and self-awareness in the learning process.

1.      What can you say to the objection that an SCL environment can be noisy and unwieldy?
Ø  Actually this SCL environment is not noisy and unwieldy because they communicate to everyone most especially with their classmate without interrupting others in the classroom, they just merely type or encode what they want to say and send it to their classmate quietly.
2.      How can SCL be fun, memorable and healthy?
Ø  SCL become fun, because the student will become active and not a passive learner in with they explore everything to gain knowledge in which their teacher do not know and also they develop their own social interaction, demonstrating independently and self-awareness in the learning process.
3.      Share/discuss experiences an your e-mail activities.
Ø  It is good if you experience this e-mailing activity because here you can share you own idea, explanation, and knowledge about everything or the issues that is latest for these days. And it makes you proud if someone read and believed on what you say.
4.      Share/discuss experiences on Internet surfing.
Ø  In internet surfing, you will gain different ideas from different person that will help you to improve / gain knowledge. You can explore everything you want by your own. You can have a trip around the world because of this Internet surfing.


      We shall again look at the computer, but this time from another perspective the computer as the teacher’s handy-tool. It can in fact support the constructivist and social constructivist paradigms of constructivist learning.

1.      What do you say if teacher ask you to gather and memorize information from the Internet? The idea is to prepare you for objectives tests, which are the main evaluation tool of your teacher for his classes.
Ø  I will not do that such thing, because all we cannot gain knowledge if we just memorized the information that we gather I the internet. It is better if we browse the internet to gather information as our guide and conceptualized our own idea that will be presented.  
2.      What do you say if the teacher himself/herself shows students that he/she can most creatively construct multimedia learning packages, and students just listen to his presentations. The idea is to make learners simply listen and absorb lessons during classes.
Ø  It is better if the teacher will also let the student to create an activity so that they will know and experience how to construct multimedia package.
3.      Teachers are told not to use the computer as a Situating Tool if a pre-school child, for example, can actually play-and-build using actual Logo Blocks.Can you name other situation in which actual, physical and hand-on activities can be more productive than computer activities.
Ø  A field trip activities or using mock-up, picture and model for representation.
4.      Situating tools can put users in Africa, the North Pole or the solar system. How can interactive Situating Tool computer activity can be fun and exciting in these cases?
Ø  We can browse or surf the internet and download picture or video about the activity in Africa that can be presented in class.


      It should be made clear, however, that the computer cannot totally replace the teacher since the teacher shall continue to play information deliverer and learning environment controller.

1.      Do you believe CAI in some future time can replace teachers in the classroom?
Ø  No.
2.      Since it is admitted that CAI relate to lower learning skills (behaviorist and cognitivist learning), what grade levels would CAI drill-and-practice software materials be useful? Do you think those in college will still want drill-and-practice learning activities that provide plain memorization (behaviorism) and brain processing like a mere computer (cognitivism)?
Ø  In will be in the Primary and secondary levels.
3.      What problem can be encountered if a school (such as in poor countries) cannot afford to provide enough computers to students? Will CAI work at all with a whole school using single computer?
Ø  No, single computer will not work in the whole school even though they use projector because the student will not be interested anymore if that will happened because we all know that student want to explore and experience new things, that’s’ why CAI will not work if there will be only one computer in a school.
4.      What can the school neighborhood community or non-government organizations do to put public schools on a fast track for the integration of technology in public education?
Ø  If they are really wanted the fast track for the integration of technology in public education, they should have the unity and ask for help or submit a proposal to the government for assistance for integration of the public schools.

      The computer is a tutor in this new age of learning. It does not replace the teacher, although it assumes certain roles previously assigned to teacher who now has to take the new role of facilitator and guide.
      Computer activities are not the end-all of learning since they have to conform to the lessons/curriculum.
      Computers will become an integral component of the future classroom and not a mere machine that can deliver routine drills and exercises.

1.      Many software materials available in developed countries are not yet available in developing countries. Do you think awareness of the existence of these materials can still help teachers in developing countries?
Ø  Yes, because this teacher will work hard so that they will be more competitive even though some materials do not yet exist in their places.
2.      Students play games at home and nearby school computer cafés. How do these games differ from instructional computer games?
Ø  Computer games are games that student play when they are bored and they want only for entertainment. And the Instructional computer games, are game usually played by student if they want to improved their abilities and skill in a specific area. And mostly it is played by low achieving learners to improvethere thinking skills.
3.      Discuss the difficulties of using software: number of school computers available, need to evaluate these software materials, need to find ways to integrate them into lessons/curriculum. How futuristic are computers as tutors in our Philippine educational scenario?
Ø  It is difficult to use software if there is only one computer available in a school, if the teachers also do not know how to manipulate the computer and if the connection is very fair.
Ø  It will be successful, because we all know that the Philippines is a developing country and most of the school have connection in the internet that we can use to access some international information that will help us in our need mostly in computer tutoring.


         The evolving pace of innovation in today’s Information Age is so dynamic that within the first decade of the 21st century, computer technology in education has matured to transform into an educative information and communication technology (ICT) in education.

1.      Discuss the capabilities of the PC outside of education, namely:
(a)   Electronic or e-commerce
(b)   E-finance
(c)    Entertainment
(d)   Advertising
(e)   Propaganda or development communication
2.      Discuss related issues:
(a)   Intellectual property rights (pirating)
(b)   Pornography using the internet
(c)    Pyramiding scam using the Internet

(d)   Gaming or lottery


             It is the students themselves who demonstrate higher thinking skills and creativity through such activities searching for information, organizing and synthesizing ideas, creating presentations, and the like.

1.      Does it merely provide data or information?
Ø  Yes.
2.      What does WebQuest also provide?
Ø  WebQuest provide experiences and knowledge beyond the textbook and curriculum materials.
3.      Will WebQuest suffice in case of local/domestic problems/questions, such as the definition of “Filipino” among patriots of the 1896 Philippine revolution?
Ø  No, local problems or question is not found in the WebQuest but if someone finds a research and post it in this page that will be the time that we can see the information about the local problems and question in the WeQuest.
4.      Where can we get information for local/domestic problems/questions?
Ø  We can get information for local/domestic problems/question in the newspaper or in other local materials in the library.

In developing software, creativity as an outcome should not be equated with ingenuity or high intelligence. Creating is more constant with planning, making, assembling, designing, or building.

1.      Should the creativity of students be recognized and approved in more simple projects (for example, producing photos with captions, caricatures on social issues, etc..? Explain.
Ø  Yes, because student will able to use their different skills and abilities to create this simple projects.
2.      Should the aspects of expense and time be considered in creativity projects? Explain.
Ø  Yes, because they need to exert effort in it, like expense and time so that the product will be excellent, presentable, and competitive and so on…
3.      In group projects, other members can ride on the creative talent of one or some members in the group. How can the teacher give proper credit to the more talented/creative students in a cooperative project?

Ø  In the group project, they will be graded individually depending on how individuals exert their effort in it.


Today, students are expected to be not only cognitive, but also flexible, analytical and creative. In this lesson, there are methods proposed for the use of computer based technologies as an integral support to higher thinking skills and creativity.
            The process refers to the thinking/effective/psycho-motor process that occurs on the part to the learner. This comprises the journey that actualizes learning.

1.      Does the new framework on higher thinking skills and creativity mean that teachers should no longer make efforts to help students pass/excel in achievement tests? Explain.
Ø  No, because this framework is a helpful guide for the teacher’s effort to understand the learner’s higher learning process.
2.      Can these complex thinking skills be also achieved even without using educational technology tools? Explain.
Ø  No, because we need educational tools as a method to achieved this complex thinking skill.
3.      While the discussion on IT-based projects are still to follow, can you predict how information technology hardware (especially the computer and its Internet capability) and software programs have excellent possibilities and creativity projects.

Ø  It will be successful in helping everyone to present video, photos, documents, presentation or other computer graphics even though the IT-based projects are still examine.

Sabado, Hulyo 26, 2014


It is most helpful to see useful models of school learning that is ideal to achieving instructional goals through preferred application of educational technology. These are the models of Meaningful Learning, Discovery Learning, Generative Learning and Constructivism.

1.    Do the new learning theories mean we should stop memorization and drill activities in class? Why?
Ø  Yes, right because memorization is not a long term memory. It is just for a minute. As we all know we actually memorizing because we need to have an idea for us to use for the quizzes or only for this time.
2.    There are official truths/principles in such disciplines as Ethics, Chemistry, Physics, and History etc. Do you think Constructivism really want to abandon universal truths/principle? (Clue: some beliefs result from faulty information, ancient/unscientific traditions. Primitive people believed the world was flat. Can you cite other examples of untruthful beliefs?)
3.    Can personal discoveries contradict socially/culturally accepted principles or values? (Clue: revolutions are caused by those in power like despots unwilling to change their ways. What did Jose Rizal and other patriots discover about colonization of the Philippines islands?)


Today you can see a greater need for teachers to acquire not only computer literacy, but competence as well. The list of audiovisual aids available to or schools may not even apply any more since modern-day computer hardware and software have rendered them obsolete. Sad to say, some software materials acquired by schools about five years ago are not even compatible anymore to more recent computer systems. The use of film strip/, 8mm/ 16mm projectors, also VHS players have also become obsolete. Due to the speedy turnover of technology advancement, it is wise therefore for school administrators to decide on technology upgrading along medium-term (5-years) term only. In a word, don’t invest in technology hardware/system that may become a white elephant in a few years’ time.

1.    What do you say to educators who say technology in teaching takes time and is expensive?
Ø  It is not totally expensive because we have a purpose why we need to use technology in learning: to improve their learning, to shorten the time creating visual aids and solving our grades and so on.
2.    What can you say about teachers who use media simply to make classes entertaining and fun?
Ø  I just want to say that “You should improve your teaching skill by using this Medias because the student will have nothing to learn in this process. And don’t use technology in class for entertainment or fun only because you are now actually abusing this technology.” In the way that, we don’t value anymore its benefits.
3.    Comment on the opinion that ET-supported instruction is difficult to assess?
Ø  No, Educational technology supported instruction is not difficult to assess because we just need enough patience to manipulate all of this and one way to develop it is, learn to explore this computers and you will learn a lot by your own.
4.    What could future learners have as an advantage over present-day learners?
So, future learner will be more competitive in globalization than this present learner because of their different skill they learn.


Integrating technology in teaching means the use of learning technologies to introduce, reinforce, supplement and extend skills… the difference between the classrooms of exemplary users of technology and technology users is the way their classes are conducted. The exemplary classroom, student use of computers is woven integrally into the pattern of teaching; software is a natural extension of student tools.

1.    What are your ideas about students spending off school time playing computer games in computer cafes/ rooms?
Ø  This are students that have no idea about the benefit of computers or technology because if ever this student value the useful effect of the computer that surrounds us they will never be interested in games anymore because they can now entertain their self without entering the game door.
2.    What do you say to the plan of the Department of Education to supply one computer unit each public school (average school population is 1 000 students) in the country?
Ø  I agree to the plan of the Department of Education to supply one computer unit each public school because this can help the student and teacher to enrich their capability in manipulating the different kind of technology of them to be educated.
3.    What do you think is really the wisdom of introducing expensive technology in schools of Third World (peasant) countries?
Ø  Because they believe that everyone should develop their skill in manipulating different technology and also for the improvement of the country because as time goes by it will become a computer age generation.
4.       While Educational Technology 2 is not about teaching computer skills, do you believe adequate hands-on computer skills are necessary to put technology integration into practice? Give reason for your answer.
Ø  Yes, because not every time we need to present our lesson by the use of computer but we also should use the traditional way at the same time.


To provide confidence to educators that they are taking the right steps in adopting technology in education, it is good to know that during the last few years, progressive countries in the Asia pacific region have formulated state policies and strategies to infuse technology in school. And their goal, “Government with the education and technology sectors, community group, and industry envisions to support to the development of the capability of schools to use information and communication technologies in teaching-and-learning and in administration.”

1. How do Philippines compare with schools in progressive countries in the Asia Pacific Region?
Ø  The development of educational technology in the Philippines is still on process, because we all know that the Philippines, still a developing country. And we need a large amount of fund for this different kind of technology that we need and also our country.
2. The plan of the Department of Education is to supply computers to public elementary and high schools at a ratio of 1 school - 1 computer. How adequate or inadequate do you find this plan considering that the public school system in the Philippines has an average of 1 000 students in each school?
Ø  It is inadequate, if that will happened their still no improvement of school in the Philippines in term of Educational Technology because it is not enough. We all know that the population of the Philippine increases so there will be also increase of enrollees. And that 1 computer should be given to school can’t be used by the student because it will be place in the office and only the teacher can manipulate them. If that will happened student still does not develop their skill to manipulate that computer.
3. What can be proposed so that Philippines can cope up with its neighbors on IT education?
Ø  The government should aim to raise the quality of school education by promoting the use of IT in teaching and learning. If there is a fund they should give at list 40 computers of each primary school and 82 computers of each secondary school. And about 85 000 IT training places of teachers at four levels.
4..    Filipinos, including students, are hooked up on cellphone texting. Is this enough for information skills literacy for our citizens and youths? Mention the benefits and disadvantage of our texting culture.
  • Actually, there is no problem in the texting culture of Filipino as long as, everyone should know their limitation in texting but there are some disadvantages of it: First, it may cause of misspelled word in actual writing. Second, can cause of cheating for the student. They use this texting strategy in cheating, they text their friends, classmates and so on if they do not know the answer in their quizzes or examination. For them just to perfect or answer the given question to them.


In essence, the course aims to infuse technology in the student-teachers training, helping them to adapt and meet rapid and continuing technological changes, particularly in the thriving global information and communication technology (ICT) environment.
                Educational technology 2 is concerned with “Integrating Technology into Teaching and Learning” and it focuses on introducing, reinforcing, supplementing and extending the knowledge and skills to learners so that they can become exemplary users of educational technology.

1.       Many college students are presently required to take Computer courses including word processing (Microsoft office), spreadsheet preparation (excel), presentation technique (power point), etc. How do you think this will help application of skills needed in Education Technology 2?
Ø   It is very important to learn this different kind of word processing because this will help the learner and also the teacher to discuss their lesson easily because it just consume a short minute of time, if we use this word processing in presenting our lesson, projects, activities and also the result of our grades.
2.       From those who have done internet surfing/searching/reading, what do the Websites offer users?
Ø  The website offer a lot of resources but mostly Wikipedia,, Google, Firefox and many more.
3.        Do you think there are enough websites for educational purposes? Do you think there are many users of educational websites?
Ø  Yes, because there are enough website for educational purposes and student really this resources because sometimes book in the libraries are in limited edition that’s why thay choose to surf the internet.


Educational technology 1 course has truly proved the way for the learner to become aware, appreciative and equipped to use educational technology tools ranging from traditional to modern educational media. Educational technology 1 has four phases of application of educational technology in teaching-and-learning, namely: (a) setting of learning objectives (b) designing specific learning experiences (c) evaluating the effectiveness of the learning experiences vis-à-vis the learning objectives, and (d) revision as needed of the whole teaching-learning process.

1.       Discuss the disparity in educational teaching advancement in school of industrialized First World country (such as the U.S, England, Japan, Singapore, Australia) and a still developing country, namely the Philippines.
Ø  Actually all the country belong to the First World country, they are more advance in terms of education and modernized because of technology. And we all know that in their place they have the complete equipment and facilities that help them developed their country easily most especially in their learning strategies.
2.       Given the lack of resources in our rural areas in the Philippines, what media can still be used for effective learning in school?
Ø  They can also use chalk and board / the traditional media.
3.       Computer shops are pervasive around schools, but these are mainly used for playing games. Without judging on the possibly dehumanizing effects of excessive computer game habits, how can a learner best use computer resources as they may be available in schools or at home?
Ø  They can also use the computer at school or at home in doing their researches, assignment and their projects in which